5 Principles for Powerful Presentations - Andrea-Pacini-Presentation-Masterclass_1920x750


6Tribes, one office - SQUARE_6TRIBES_SQ

6Tribes, one office

We talk to Anthony Rose, CEO and co-founder of social networking app 6Tribes, which is based at Metal Box.
08 April 2016 | Customer stories
5 things you should know about London start-up Deliveroo - wsg_burger_sq

5 things you should know about London start-up Deliveroo

In its latest funding round, Deliveroo raised $100 million for its restaurant delivery service. Here are the five things you need to know about the London start-up.
29 March 2016 | Technology
Oliver Tezcan: founder of the first online retailer dedicated to men - IDLE_NEW_SQ

Oliver Tezcan: founder of the first online retailer dedicated to men

Oliver Tezcan is the founder of Idle Man, the first online retailer dedicated to menswear, which is based at Workspace’s Holywell Centre.
11 March 2016 | Customer stories
6 UK business women we should celebrate - women_entrepreneurs_sq

6 UK business women we should celebrate

To celebrate International Women’s Day today, here are six trailblazing examples of female entrepreneurs championing women in business.
07 March 2016 | Customer stories
5 things to consider when moving business premises - 02-SWmeetingroom1

5 things to consider when moving business premises

Moving to a new business premise is easy. It might sound like a mammoth task when you think about what’s ahead but as long as you’re organised you can succeed without getting too stressed.
07 March 2016 | Growth and strategy
Interview with the Managing Director of Platform Black - ALT_FINANCE_LIST_2

Interview with the Managing Director of Platform Black

Platform Black is an online business finance marketplace. Caroline Langron tells us about the alternative finance provider and trends in the industry.
24 February 2016 | Business finance
LOVESPACE's Brett Akker on being a serial entrepreneur - SQUARE_LOVESPACE_NEW2

LOVESPACE's Brett Akker on being a serial entrepreneur

Brett Akker, co­founder of Streetcar and now chairman of storage startup LOVESPACE, shares the lessons he’s learnt on his business journey.
22 February 2016 | Customer stories
Nine ways to keep your office tidy - tidy_office_sq

Nine ways to keep your office tidy

Often, keeping your office is the last thing on your mind if you're a busy business owner with a bursting to-do list. Here are some simple tips to keep your office and mind uncluttered.
10 February 2016 | Growth and strategy
The Arch: a business taking leisure seriously - ARCH_LISTINGS

Interview with Fred Stone, founder of the Arch: A business taking leisure seriously

Tucked inside the Biscuit Factory in Southwark, there's a climbing wall. We talked to founder Fred Stone about how he got started and what are his plans for growth.
01 November 2015 | Customer stories

Projectarthur at Club Workspace Clerkenwell

Projectarthur is a design studio based in Club Workspace Clerkenwell run by Mark Hind and Adam Wyatt. They've worked for clients large and small in music, fashion and the corporate sector.
27 October 2015 | Customer stories
Spotlight on an alternative lender: rebuildingsociety.com - FUNDING_LISTINGS

Spotlight on an alternative lender: rebuildingsociety.com

We talk to Daniel Rajkumar, founder and Managing Director of the peer to business online platform rebuildingsociety.com which connects creditworthy businesses with investors.
25 October 2015 | Business finance
8 questions every business should ask before crowdfunding - wallet_cws_sq

8 questions every business should ask before crowdfunding

It’s easy to think of crowdfunding as a miracle alternative to the more traditional options for raising finance; but the majority of attempts fail.
22 October 2015 | Business finance
Top tips on setting up a pop-up shop - POP_UP_LISTINGS

Top tips on setting up a pop-up shop

If you're looking to get your product and brand out there, there's not a plan much better than organising a pop-up shop. We talked to the founder of the Camden Watch Company about how to do it.
22 October 2015 | Marketing
5 non-negotiables for Generation Y at work - gen_y_sq

5 non-negotiables for Generation Y at work

Hiring Millennials can be a difficult process - they're known for being over-confident, demanding and fiercely individual - but the benefits they can bring to your team are manifold.
18 October 2015 | Growth and strategy
How Generation X & Y can communicate more effectively - X-Y_LISTINGS

How Generation X & Y can communicate more effectively

How we communicate is critical to our success at work. Of course, we each have our communication strengths and quirks but there are, however, some common differences between Generation X and Y.
18 October 2015 | Growth and strategy
Playing the IPO game - playng_ipo_sq

Playing the IPO game

Founders of small and medium-sized companies dream of taking their businesses public to attract more capital, but how can they avoid wild overvaluations – like Groupon – in today’s overheated IPO market?
18 October 2015 | Business finance
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