/The new issue of HomeWork magazine is all about "connectivity"
The new issue of HomeWork magazine is all about "connectivity"
The new issue of HomeWork magazine is all about "connectivity"
Issue two of HomeWork magazine is now available from Workspace centres across the capital and editor Tessa Clayton tells us what to expect. This issue is all about connectivity - digital and social - and how they are both vital for growth.
The suntan’s fading and the barbecue’s back in storage; September is all about getting down to business. The ideal time, then, for issue two of HomeWork to hit the shelves – and tables and café counters – of Workspace centres across London.
We’ve packed it with some great stories from Workspace's New and Growing Companies, which showcase how, just like you, they’re coping with challenges, taking risks and branching out. As with issue one, we loved getting to meet and talk to so many of you. We were reminded yet again that no matter how diverse the Workspace family is – it’s home to businesses from every sphere, from graphic designers and fintech companies to cosmetics brands – you’re using your ready-made Workspace network to reach out to each other, swap ideas, collaborate, socialise…
We hope you enjoy it – better still, we hope you see something in there that sparks an idea or prompts you to make a few new connections of your own.
Tessa Clayton, Editor
Hence our theme for issue two: “connectivity” – both the digital and social kind, and how they’re equally vital for growth. We have advice on building a robust business network from Tim Campbell OBE and LinkedIn’s Head of Sales Ashraf Kamel, among others, plus the lowdown on some great apps and websites that will make it easier to make those all-important business connections.
The magazine
On the tech front, we outline the initiatives that are being put in place to turn London into a world-class digital “mega hub”, and explain how to protect your business from cyber crime. Plus there’s our usual Start Me Up section, packed with advice for entrepreneurs, from entrepreneurs.
We hope you enjoy it – better still, we hope you see something in there that sparks an idea or prompts you to make a few new connections of your own. And please do reach out to us, too; if you’d like to see your story in the next issue of HomeWork, or you just want to feed back to us, we’d love to hear from you at editorhomework@workspace.co.uk